PAIN Problems and

Ankle Pain Treatment

Ankle Pain

What is Ankle Pain?

A sprain is the most common cause of ankle pain. Ankle instability, gout, tendonitis, arthritis, fracture, infection, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and poor foot or leg structural alignment can all contribute to the condition.

Swelling, stiffness, redness, and warmth in the affected region can all be signs of ankle pain. It is generally characterised as a sharp and intense pain that happens when you put weight on it and move it.

What Causes Ankle Pain?

  • Achilles Tendon Rupture
  • Ankle Arthritis
  • Ankle Fracture
  • Ankle Instability
  • Gout
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Old Ankle Sprains
  • Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD)
  • Peroneal Tendon Injuries
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome (Nerve Compression)
  • Talar Dome Lesion

What are the symptoms of ankle pain?

  • Instability or giving way when you use the ankle
  • Instability or giving way when you use the ankle
  • Muscle soreness, tenderness or achiness
  • Pain, numbness, tingling, or other abnormal sensations in the foot or toes
  • Stiffness or difficulty moving the ankle in any direction
  • Swelling, warmth or redness over the joint

Treatment & Management

There is a range of treatment and management solutions for ankle pain. Rest, ice, elevation, and immobilisation are common first-line treatments, although nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen, physiotherapy, and cortisone injection are other alternatives. Compression using an elastic bandage can also help to reduce inflammation around the ankles.

If you are dealing with ankle pain, wearing shoes that provide adequate support for your feet and ankles is crucial. If you are an athlete, having the right kind of footwear can help to support your ankles and prevent injuries.

The best way to diagnose the reason for ankle pain and get solutions and treatment options is to consult a foot and ankle surgeon in Singapore.

When Should I Seek Professional Help?

If your ankle pain is severe and not easing up despite several days of resting and trying self-management strategies, if it is affecting your ability to perform your daily activities or if you are completely unable to put weight on your ankle, if you are running a fever, please consult a doctor or medical professional in Singapore immediately.

Swelling and redness of the ankle, coupled with a fever, could be a sign of an infection that requires immediate treatment and intervention.

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Ankle Pain Complete Overview – Everything You Need To Know

The most frequent causes of ankle pain in Singapore include accidents, arthritic conditions, and everyday wear and tear. You could have discomfort or stiffness anywhere near the ankle, depending on the cause. And you might not be able to put any weight on your ankle because of swelling and pain. Other causes of ankle pain in Singapore may include underlying conditions like gout, infections, and Achilles tendonitis.


Because of the range of possible causes, doctors, specialists, and physiotherapists may only start the ankle pain treatment upon a successful diagnosis of the underlying condition(s) causing the ankle pain.

Treatment for ankle pain as a result of a sprain typically starts from self-care. The R.I.C.E approach is the most famous and recommended self-care method for the first few days of the sprain:

  • Rest. Avoid any activities that exacerbate the pain.
  • Ice. Immediately apply an ice pack to the affected ankle for about 15 to 20 minutes, and repeat every two to three hours. Speak to your doctor if you have any vascular conditions or diabetes before applying ice.
  • Compression. Compress the affected ankle with a bandage to reduce the swelling. Avoid wrapping the bandage too tightly and restricting blood flow.
  • Elevation. Elevate your ankle above your heart level, especially when you sleep, to help reduce the swelling.

If the swelling does not go down, or if the pain worsens, it is highly advisable to get medical attention for ankle pain solutions. A doctor or specialist may recommend imaging tests like an X-ray, MRI, CT scan, or ultrasound to assess the extent of the damage. Upon a successful diagnosis, the doctor might prescribe medications and/or physiotherapy as necessary.


It is typically a good idea to consult a physiotherapist even if you only have a mild ankle sprain due to the high recurrence rate. Swelling/pain management and gait retraining are two common physiotherapy treatments for ankle sprains.

Diabetes can impair blood flow and lead to the accumulation of fluid in the lower limbs. Swelling in the feet, ankles, and lower legs can result from this accumulation. Edema is the medical term for excessive swelling of the feet and ankles caused by fluid retention in the tissues.

Treatment for ankle pain as a result of diabetes varies according to the severity of the condition. Some nonsurgical treatments include medication such as antibiotics to treat infections, prescription of immobilisation devices such as a walking cast, and lifestyle and diet changes.

Research has also shown that physiotherapy can help improve strength and balance for diabetic patients, reducing the risk of falls.

Seek medical attention and ankle pain treatment if:

  • the pain is preventing you from going about your daily activities
  • the pain is persistent or worsening
  • there is any tingling or loss of sensation in your foot
  • you have been diagnosed with diabetes in the past

Get to an A&E immediately for ankle pain treatment if:

  • the ankle pain is severe and debilitating, making you completely unable to walk
  • you feel dizzy or faint from the pain
  • you heard a loud pop or snap at the time of the injury
  • your ankle or foot is bent or twisted at an odd angle

The best course of action is to see a physiotherapist or podiatrist if you have any concerns with your foot or ankle, such as a sports injury, arthritis or joint discomfort, skin conditions, etc. Almost all problems that affect the ankle and/or the foot may be managed and treated by a physiotherapist or podiatrist.

Our team of physiotherapists at Physio Asia Therapy Centre are equipped with the knowledge and experience to treat a wide variety of pain conditions. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

There Are Three Main Categories Of Pain:

Acute Pain

Lasts for a short time and occurs following surgery or trauma or other condition. It acts as a warning to the body to seek help. Although it usually improves as the body heals, in some cases, it may not.

Cancer Pain

Lasts beyond the time expected for healing following surgery, trauma or other condition. It can also exist without a clear reason at all. Although chronic pain can be a symptom of other disease, it can also be a disease in its own right, characterised by changes within the central nervous system.

Chronic Pain

Can occur in patients with early stage and advanced disease, and in cancer survivors as a severe and debilitating side-effect of treatment.

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